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Check also   言葉  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 32:
萬寶  桜花賞  飛鳥間  真愛美  楷書風  

Names and idioms similar to 言葉を待つ:
方葉  安待合  跌蕩放言  二葉蘭  黄葉づ  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 言葉を待つ:
一言一句  嘉言善行  謹言慎行  

Idioms including 言葉を待つ:
佚を以て労を待つ  三年父の道を改むる無きは孝と言うべし  不言の教え  

Proverbs including 言葉を待つ:
物は言いよう  桐一葉  桃李もの言わざれども下自ずから蹊を成す  

Check stroke order for the words below:
平人  尺土  百害  羅華  縁生院  袖引  嚥下物  腔綫  
