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Check also   言い  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 17:
隼男  秀起  西済  青出木    

Names and idioms similar to 言いこなす:
言い表わす  微言  書言故事  言語分析  言寄さす  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 言いこなす:
佞言似忠  中冓之言  無為不言  

Idioms including 言いこなす:
目に物を言わす  三人言いて虎を成す  信言は美ならず、美言は信ならず  

Proverbs including 言いこなす:
思う事言わねば腹ふくる  日光を見ずして結構と言うな  桃李もの言わざれども下自ずから蹊を成す  

Check stroke order for the words below:
大船渡町  如是我聞  依緒菜  森亦  皇都  漆鼠  
