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Check also   自己  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 37:
本宮馬場  鬚摩  山葛蘿  更紗鰍  灰色矢筈天牛  

Names and idioms similar to 自己矛盾に陥る:
自後  丈自  映己  自劣亭  自然崇拝  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 自己矛盾に陥る:
修己治人  自受法楽  自主独往  

Idioms including 自己矛盾に陥る:
自責の念に駆られる  盾を突く  矛先を向ける  

Proverbs including 自己矛盾に陥る:
自家薬籠中の物  卑下も自慢のうち  忙中自ずから閑あり  

Check stroke order for the words below:
追っつけ  思いの外  新井川  愉里  王家郎  此地辺  卑役  公的職業訓練  
