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Check also   気振  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 18:
泰岳  笛坊  盛助  咲き出  勇威  

Names and idioms similar to 気振り:
気象台  気労  貧気  気象危機  特定電気事業者  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 気振り:
意気銷沈  沖和之気  平心定気  

Idioms including 気振り:
大鉈を振るう  気を引く  気が多い  

Proverbs including 気振り:
無い袖は振れない  色気より食い気  同気相求む  

Check stroke order for the words below:
弘太  植大  菜友実  元鳥越  霜如雪  採択地区  和字大観抄  第二種低層住居専用地域  
