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Check also   地家  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 28:
優二郎  福沢宗  肚饑  総様  益斎芹  

Names and idioms similar to 地家裁:
後地  片意地  地域代表制  徳川家継  問題解決型裁判所  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 地家裁:
一家団欒  咽喉之地  平地風波  

Idioms including 地家裁:
家をたたむ  地獄耳  俯仰天地に慚じず  

Proverbs including 地家裁:
家伝の宝刀  泣く子と地頭には勝てぬ  平家を滅ぼすは平家  

Check stroke order for the words below:
好嗣  危うい  南新在家  番組頭  色小布  徒言歌  
