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Check also   下々  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 16:
聖也  功基  溟也      

Names and idioms similar to 下々げげ:
白々しい  志下  掘り下げる  船下  恵下越  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 下々げげ:
天下一品  生々流転  天下多事  

Idioms including 下々げげ:
天下り  白日の下に晒す  天網恢々、疎にして洩らさず  

Proverbs including 下々げげ:
李下に冠を正さず  下戸の建てたる倉も無し  卑下も自慢のうち  

Check stroke order for the words below:
五百田  上壱分方町  跳箱  喜三江  強勝  一っ  穢罪  南木佳士  
